In-Depth Guide to Amibroker AFL Programming and Data Feeds

Amibroker AFL  (AmiBroker Formula Language) is a versatile proprietary coding language that allows traders to customize indicators, trading systems, backtests, scans and more within the Amibroker platform. Amibroker AFL  With adequate skills in  amibroker afl, almost any custom requirement for trading analysis and strategy automation can be addressed.

This in-depth guide will cover the key aspects of  amibroker afl programming as well as integration of live amibroker data feed market amibroker data feeds, to enable retail traders to unlock Amibroker’s exceptional strategy development capabilities.

Introduction to Amibroker AFL

amibroker afl is an acronym for Amibroker Formula Language. As the name suggests, it is a domain-specific programming language optimized for financial analysis and trading strategy development purposes.

The language uses a C/C++ like syntax which allows both procedural as well as object oriented coding constructs. amibroker afl has rich inbuilt functionality for technical analysis, statistics, matrix operations, graphics, dates and times. Expert coders can tap into additional mathematical, signal processing, pattern recognition capabilities for creating high performance strategies.

introduction to amibroker afl

Understanding amibroker afl Structure

A typical amibroker afl script file consists of multiple blocks or sections for declaring variables, defining functions, strategy logic, trade entries and exits etc. Some key structural elements are:

Parameters Section: Input criteria that can be changed without affecting logic flow Variables Section: Defines variables types and assignments Init Section: Initializes variables values during first pass Analysis Section: Main strategy amibroker afl logic for computing indicators goes here Buy and Sell Sections: Entry and exit trade conditions defined Plot Section: Plots indicator values to chart for visualization

The modular approach facilities code re-use and keeps amibroker afl scripts well organized for easier troubleshooting.

Coding amibroker afl Indicators and Trading Systems

Now that we understand  amibroker afl structure, let’s see how to put it into practice for some common use cases:

Coding a Custom Indicator Formula

  • Define input Parameters for flexibility
  • Write Init section to initialize variables
  • Perform math operations in Analysis section
  • Plot outputs to chart in Plot section

Building a Trading Strategy

  • Set fixed Parameters like periods, ratios
  • Initialize key trading Variables
  • Put exit logic Sell conditions in Sell section
  • Optimize Parameters to maximize returns

The inbuilt amibroker afl Editor offers many productivity features like syntax highlighting, autocomplete suggestions, error checking and specific trading strategy templates to make coding easier.

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While amibroker afl helps create trading systems, equally important is availability of good quality amibroker data feeds across various markets and asset classes for backtesting as well as live trading.

Some popular ways to get live amibroker data feed into Amibroker are:

  1. NSE Live EOD Data Official NSE EOD data feed for amibroker integration available for cash and F&O segments to backtest historical patterns.
  2. RTD Connection for Real-Time Data
    Streaming data from sources like NSE, CME, TradingView using RTD connection for tick-by-tick analysis.
  3. Specialized Plugins for data feed for amibroker Enriched Data Help seamlessly connect Amibroker to enriched online data sources using plugins for advanced functionality.

In terms of instruments coverage, common categories include Equities, Futures and Options, Commodities, Currencies, Cryptocurrencies, World Indices etc.

Based on connectivity approach, amibroker data feeds for Amibroker may be classified into three types:

File Based Feeds

Get historical EOD files auto-updated from internet amibroker data feed vendors. Allows fast backtesting of huge datasets.

Streaming RTD Servers: Intermediate servers that handle continuous data streaming from online sources. Convenient for retail traders to use for real-time analysis.

Data vendors make available multiple subscription plans for individual and institutional customers. Many offer contributory schemes for retail traders with cost control based on usage levels. This ensures affordability along with full access to the latest online amibroker data feeds sets.

Using Amibroker for Trading with Live Data Feeds

With amibroker afl coding skills and integrated data feeds, Amibroker becomes a formidable platform for active traders. This combination unlocks unique trading possibilities

Strategies Analysis and Automation

Complex rule based trading ideas can be converted into  amibroker afl code and rigorously analysed using latest streaming amibroker data to measure actual performance consistently over different time periods.

Opportunities Discovery

Amibroker empowers traders to scan tens of thousands of instruments across global markets to uncover short term opportunities using customized parameters and filters coded in AFL.

Seamless Algo Trading

Seamless Algo Trading With reliable amibroker data plumbing in place, Amibroker offers avenues for algorithmic trading by executing signals automatically. This paves the way for larger automated deployment.

The combination of a powerful trading software like Amibroker that can be customized using  amibroker afl code along with scalability achieved by hooking up live amibroker data feeds creates an ideal environment for systematic traders to practice their craft profitably.

Gaining proficiency in Amibroker amibroker afl opens up avenues to create advanced trading tools for gaining an edge in markets. Integrating various amibroker data sources expands possibilities for backtesting and automation across asset classes. With expanding digital datasets and platforms, amibroker afl presents new possibilities for traders to research and deploy winning quant strategies.

FAQ about Amibroker AFL and DATA FEED

AFL stands for Amibroker Formula Language. It is a programming language used to create custom indicators, trading systems, and automation scripts within the Amibroker platform.

Learning AFL allows you to fully customize Amibroker as per your trading requirements by coding complex logic for indicators, strategies, backtests which is not possible using the UI.

Some common uses of AFL are developing indicators, trading systems, scans, data explorations, visualizations, screeners, automated trading systems, connecting to data feeds etc.

Some programming experience in languages like C++, Python, Java etc helps understand the syntax faster. No specific educational background is necessary. Focus is more on the trading domain logic.

Amibroker provides comprehensive AFL documentation and tutorials in the software. There are also dedicated books, courses, forums, blogs that share AFL code and videos.

While direct conversion is not possible due to Amibroker’s proprietary nature, the underlying logic conceptualized in AFL can be recoded into any mainstream programming language.

Yes, AFL has been specialized designed only for Amibroker platform and its associated ecosystem tools for strategy development. It is not a general purpose programming language.

Amibroker EULA allows developing trading systems for personal use. For commercial resale of AFL systems, special licensing needs to be purchased.

For consistency, it is recommended to code AFL scripts on same Amibroker version and machine configuration as you intend to run the AFL on. Cross-platform behaviour may have variations.

Some most widely used AFL functions are for technical indicators, simple/exponential moving averages, strategy signals, true range, highest-lowest values, date-time handling etc.


Mastering Amibroker AFL opens up immense opportunities for traders to research, analyze and automate custom quantitative trading strategies for consistent profits.

While the initial learning curve may seem daunting to some, by systematically going through documentation, taking up coding projects and getting help from forums, the journey gets progressively easier.

AFL allows creation of complex technical analysis measures and rule-based systems not possible otherwise. Integrating reliable data feeds unlocks brute-force backtesting at scale leading to statistical validation of strategy efficacy.

Automation ensures flawless execution without emotions, across markets and asset classes to tap into emerging algorithmic trading opportunities. The future likely promises expanding computing power and data availability, further elevating the scope of AFL applications.

For determined retail traders bitten by the quant trading bug, pursuing Amibroker AFL offers possibilities to reach that profitable sweet spot at the intersection of coding skills, data sources and trading opportunities. The time invested can provide rich dividends for years to come in the form of cash generating trading systems.

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