amibroker live data

Best Amibroker Live Data – 8 Uses of Data Feed For Amibroker?

To start with, if you are using Amibroker as your trading platform, you may have already heard about the Amibroker Live Data service. It provides real-time market data, recommendations, and more. 

This service works on a subscription-based model, which makes it affordable for any investor. 

This article will discuss what Amibroker Live Data is and how it can benefit your trading? We’ll also look at some of its advantages.

If you are interested in Amibroker Live Data, it is a good idea to consider trying Livefeed from Amiprofits data feed services

This free application can be downloaded to your Windows PC, where it automatically connects to Amibroker. 

Once you’ve downloaded Livefeed, simply launch it from the Start Menu. It will begin sending tick-by-tick data to Amibroker. 

This Live feed service provides live, accurate, and reliable data, and its live support staff is available to answer your questions and help you navigate the interface.

Amibroker uses multiple files to store its data. Each database is stored in a directory called a “database” (in later versions) and “workspace” (in earlier versions). 

The default database directory is a folder containing the sample Dow Jones Industrial Average database. 

If you use this directory, you can use it to import data from any other file. You can also download and use a liveAmibroker data feed if you don’t want to install the software.

Choosing a live data feed is essential if you want to maximize your investment returns. LiveFeed is a powerful Amibroker feed app, which automatically connects to Amibroker. 

The LiveFeed app is compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 7 or 8. LiveFeed is a free download for Amibroker, and you can even activate a three-day free trial of the service.

If you are using AmiBroker to analyze data, you can choose two instances to run the same data. 

This gives you the advantage of running intraday and EOD charts simultaneously, and it also helps you compare the same quotes. 

You can even switch between the two charts at any time, using the same real-time data source. 

If you are a novice, you can choose a free trial of AmiBroker to test the software’s capabilities.

Live data is not free, and the NSE charges for this service. This is not unusual for live data services, but it is important to keep in mind that you can use more symbols than your subscription limit, but this may not be a good idea. 

If you are a professional trader, you should always use a paid live data feed. You can also use a data plug-in to import 1 minute of data and export it into a timeframe of your choice.

Live data sources have their own disadvantages. For instance, the NSE offers free data, but the NSE is notorious for its poor customer service and isn’t responsible for errors. 

Amibroker offers two different instances that can use the same real-time data source. 

One of them can run intraday and EOD charts and the other can use the same real-time information source. 

AmiBroker makes a beep sound when it is ready to connect to the NSE data sources. Likewise, the bubble tooltip appears when you click on the chart. After two seconds, it disappears.

Uses of Amibroker Live Data:

There are many benefits to using Amibroker. Such as follows,

  • It is free to use, and it is a great way to monitor market trends. 
  • It also allows you to do backtesting and paper trading. 
  • When you have live data, you will be able to use a lot of strategies at the same time. However, you should never rely on it alone. 
  • If you are looking for a reliable source, then Amibroker Live Data is the best choice.
  • Amiprofits from Real live data are the leading providers of stock market data. 
  • This provider provides Amibroker live data for various segments and is a cheap option. 
  • The software is very flexible and can provide you with real-time data for Amibroker. 
  • There are several benefits to using Amibroker Live Data. The data is available at any time. Moreover, it’s not only cheap, but it’s also available in different formats.
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