amibroker data feed

Easy Amibroker Tutorial Guide– Learn Amibroker Data Feed

The goal of this tutorial is to teach you what is Amibroker and Amibroker data feed in a few minutes. This is not a comprehensive Amibroker data lesson, but it does cover all of the elements that I believe are most useful for trading. 

This is the course for you if you want to learn how to utilize the Amibroker data feed

What is Amibroker? And Where to Get Amibroker Data Feed?

Amibroker is a strong tool for technical analysis and backtesting. You may use the program to scan, produce charts, and execute portfolio-level backtests.

You can accomplish anything you want with an Amibroker data feeder with a little amount of code. However, the major reason I choose Amibroker is its quickness. 

Ami feeds can execute backtests more efficiently than other platforms since it uses array processing.

This gives the ability to test new trade ideas quickly. This is important since I don’t want to waste time on trade ideas. I want to put a concept to the test, see whether it works, and then move on. 

The rest of this post will teach you how to get started with Amibroker data feed India

(You can get an Amibroker data feed at a reasonable price from Amiprofits.)

Amibroker Data Feed Installation And Setup:

The first step is to go to Amibroker or Amiprofits and purchase and download the program. You may also participate in the Amibroker data feed free trial so that you can trade using the Amibroker data feed free for 3 days.

After purchasing Amibroker live data you will also need to get Amiquote, an Amibroker data plugin that imports free historical data. 

The plugin imports the data directly into the Amibroker data feed, allowing you to perform your analysis.

After you’ve installed everything, open Amibroker, and it should look like this,

  • You’ve got a regular Windows configuration right immediately. 
  • On the primary price chart window with technical indicators, on the left side, you have your symbols, chart choices, and information.
  • One of the first things you should do is change the appearance of the charts and the layout of your windows. 
  • You may alter a variety of options, such as charting, axes/grids, colors, and so on, by going to Tools >> Preferences.
  • When you click Window on the main toolbar, you may choose which windows to keep open and which to close. You may also choose whether the windows are fixed or floating. 
  • The term “floating” refers to the ability of windows to be moved around on multiple displays.
  • If you look at the symbols list on the left, you’ll notice that a database is already installed. Some US stock tickers, such as Alcoa, Boeing, and Citigroup, have filled up. This is the standard Amibroker database that comes with the software.
Learn Amibroker Databases:

Amibroker uses databases for trades. What you receive out of Amibroker live data is only as good as the data you enter. 

To create a new database, select File >> New >> Database. This is where you create the database of stocks for your research and backtesting.

When you create a new database, you can choose to import data directly from a third-party plugin.

Not just daily prices, but also other time ranges, may be imported. You may even go as low as one minute and, if desired, tick data. The shorter the term, the larger your database will get. 

So, if you want 5 years of 1-minute data, you should set the number of bars to around 650,000. If you have 20 years of EOD data, the number of bars should be around 5,500.

The Amibroker import wizard (File >> Import Wizard) is extremely handy for importing any data that is in a format other than CSV. 

The wizard may be used to import stock data, sentiment data, fundamental data, and so forth. This implies you won’t require a third-party plugin to import your data.

Amibroker Data for Free:

If you want historical data but don’t want to pay for it, Amiquote is one alternative.

The first step is to establish a new database and name it something like “S&P 500” or “Amiquote Data.”

Then you launch Amiquote, which will download data from one of the various sources and import it directly into your Amibroker database. 

All you have to do is go to File >> Save As. Open and close a list of ticker symbols. In the Amiquote folder, you’ll find items that have already been installed for you. 

They are in the tls file format. Here is a list of NASDAQ 100 tickers already created.

Set a date range and a data source, such as Yahoo! Finance, after you have your list of symbols. Then, to begin the download, click the green arrow. 

This will populate your Amibroker database with data for all of the ticker symbols.

Each ticker may be imported into the Amibroker data feed the next time you open it by clicking on the symbol box at the top.

The tickers can also be accessed using the Symbols window. You’ll see that the Amibroker data feed is now populated with data for all of those stocks.

What are the Problems with using Amibroker Free Data?

Before we continue, I should mention that free data is excellent for starting. The majority of the time, it is fairly accurate. 

However, there are several drawbacks to using free data that you should be aware of. This is especially true when dealing with less liquid assets, such as small-cap stocks.

Free data isn’t always trustworthy. It has flaws and is not always updated to reflect business actions such as stock splits. 

Stock splits, in particular, might cause big price gaps in your historical data that do not exist. 

To do a real backtest, you will need to pay for data that has been properly modified and cared for.

As previously stated, there are several data suppliers available in that Amiprofits is an excellent choice for Amibroker data feed users. 

Amibroker Tutorial – Charting:

Without a look at charts, learning how to utilize the Amibroker data feed would be incomplete. Amibroker has a plethora of technical analysis tools and indicators that we may use.

When you choose a stock symbol, the data in the main chart pane will appear. However, your mouse over any price bar and a little window will appear with valuable information such as the date, open, high, low, and closing price.

If you want to add technical indicators, simply go to the charts box on the left and select what you want. For example, drag a moving average from the left and drop it on the chart. 

This will bring up several parameters that can be changed. The moving average can be configured to use the close price or anything different. You may also change the bars, colors, and styles. 

When you click OK, the moving average will appear as an overlay on your price chart.

As you will see, there is a vast library of pre-built indicators such as Bollinger Bands, MACD, RSI, MFI, and so on. You may also use Amibroker’s formula language to generate your own indicators.

To zoom in, use the green + arrow on the right-hand side. Just below that, you may choose between daily (d), weekly (w), or monthly periods (m).

Chart Panes:

The price chart in the center is referred to as a “window pane.” There are three panes in the graphic below. The top pane is occupied with a pricing chart. 

The volume is displayed in the center pane, while the MACD indicator (moving average convergence divergence) is displayed in the bottom pane.

If you right-click on any of these panels, you’ll get several handy choices.

For example, if you right-click on the price chart, you may change any of your settings, such as moving averages. You may also make changes to the formula or remove any of the indicators. 

You may also rearrange the panes, increase their size, or eliminate them entirely.

If you accidentally close a pane and find yourself without a pricing chart, Return to the chart window on the left and select the Basic Charts option. To open a new pane, double-click on any of these things.

Price (all in one) displays the price chart for the selected ticker, including Bollinger Bands, volume, and moving averages. In contrast, if you double-click “Simple Price,” the default price chart will be returned to your main chart window. 

When you double-click Price, you’ll be able to plot a different symbol from the one you’ve previously chosen.

This procedure applies to everything in the chart window. Everything, whether it’s a price, a volume, or an indication, will rise. If you double-click it, it will open a new window.

Amibroker Sheets:

Sheets can be used in addition to chart panels. On each page, you can have a distinct set of charts and indicators. There are eight sheets available, and each one may be renamed.

You may also expand the number of chart windows. If you go to File >> New >> Default Chart, a new chart window will appear in its own tab. You may change the symbol and then compare the differences between the two charts.

When you have many chart windows open, you may cascade them by clicking the Window Menu. The windows can be arranged vertically or horizontally. You may even make the windows float and distribute them across many monitors.

A handy feature of the chart windows is the ability to lock a chart with a padlock. If you alter the symbol in the symbol window, the symbol on that chart will no longer update.

Charts can also be linked together. As a result, if you change the symbol link to blue, every other chart with a blue symbol link will return to the same symbol.

Windows Start Menu:

If you accidentally close a window, you may reopen it by selecting the Window option from the menu.

The Charts panel allows you to configure the various price charts. The Symbols pane allows you to browse across various marketplaces and watchlists to discover the symbols you’re looking for. 

Symbol Information will provide extra information about the stock you’ve chosen, such as the firm name, address, and GICS.

The current workspace may be saved in layouts. If you save this layout locally by clicking right and then Save As so you’ll be able to reload it if it changes. 

You may load this layout into a separate database if you right-click Global Layouts and save it.

Drawing tools for Amibroker:

Amibroker also includes a set of drawing tools. Trend lines, horizontal lines, channels, pitchforks, and circles are all examples of graphs. To eliminate them, simply right-click and choose “Delete All Studies. 

There are other drawing tools for indicators such as Fibonacci extension, Fibonacci arc, Gann square, Gann arc, and so on.

As previously indicated in this Amibroker lesson, you can also design your own indicators in the formula editor. 

After you’ve written the code for your formula, you can apply it to the chart or insert it into its own pane by clicking Apply Indicator or Insert Indicator. Indicators can also be stacked on top of one another. 


The View menu on the toolbar allows you to toggle the crosshair on and off, as well as adjust the chart style and size. You may also accomplish this by right-clicking.


Insert is another method for inserting drawings such as trend lines, zig-zags, and indicator lines that we discussed before. The format is compatible with the drawings you place on the chart.


You may handle the many tickers in your database. You may add new symbols, delete existing ones, and establish watchlists. You may also view the real quotations for each symbol in the quote editor. 

This allows you to correct any inaccuracies in the quotations that you have discovered.


Analysis is where you may use the formula editor to create new analysis windows. This is where you conduct all of your strategy creation and coding, and we’ll go over it in more detail in the next few parts. 

As is typically the case, the easiest way to learn the Amibroker data feed is to get right in and start exploring.


Menu is where you may purge your database, keep indicators up to date, and install third-party plugins. You can also access Preferences from this menu to customize your configuration. 

You may choose the color of your charts and candlesticks, as well as the time intervals.

One item to consider is the decimal settings and the base currency. If you’re trading stocks in the United States, you’ll probably want to keep the currency as USD. 

However, if you are trading equities from other nations, this may need to be updated to the native currency of the relevant country.

Useful Tips:
  • When you click the small pin symbol on any of the side windows, it minimizes and moves them to the edge. If you’re running out of screen space, this is a lifesaver. To keep them in place, hit the pin again.
  • Instead of using the arrows, use your mouse’s scroll button to travel along with the price chart. You may zoom in and out of the chart by holding CTRL + SCROLL at the same time.
  • Holding down SHIFT and clicking the mouse on the Y-Axis of the price chart will allow you to modify the chart’s scale so that you can view all of the price values more readily.
  • To bring up a lot of options, always use the right-click on the mouse to select a variety of alternatives. For example, if you like a certain chart style, right-click it and save it as the default chart.
  • Double-click anywhere on the price chart to make two vertical markings (green and red) to help you recall noteworthy events or time ranges. To erase the lines, double-click them a third time.


This article serves as a primer for learning Tick by Tick data for Amibroker. It covers the aspects of Amibroker that I believe are most important for success.

When developing a system, set aside some time to debug it, go through each trade, and ensure that it does what you want it to do. 

Concentrate on the ultimate outcome and work backward to determine the next stages. There are usually several approaches in the Amibroker data feed.

Allow yourself some wiggle room in terms of slippage and trading expenses, and be wary of outcomes that appear too good to be true. 

Make careful you use high-quality data and avoid over-optimization. Concentrate your efforts on locating strong tactics rather than visually appealing backtests

Finally, always paper trade a system before going live, since this is likely to reveal any errors that you would have missed otherwise. 

Amibroker data feed is a great tool, but it should not be used in place of common sense and actual experience.

Get 500+ Amibroker AFLs for intraday and positional trading, as well as our Amibroker Data Feeder, for free from Amiprofits.

If you have any questions about the installation, we at Amiprofits are always here to help you via chat and WhatsApp.

amibroker data feed - tick by tick data for amibroker

Amiprofits – How to Get Tick by Tick Data For Amibroker

The Amibroker data feed comes with all the active market segments, including equity, futures, commodity, currency, and weekly put call options. 

It also supports a backfill of up to 360 days, which means you can trade any number of symbols. You can also customize your data feed to receive only the latest updates. 


The Amiprofits is a good choice for active traders who want to analyze market trends and make quick decisions on the fly.

Amiprofits offers Tick by Tick data for Amibroker with 2000+ symbols and updates every tick. It is one of the few Amibroker data feed providers with up to one year of historical data. 

You can even subscribe to a longer timeframe with Amiprofits’s tick by tick data for amibroker  and 360 days of 1 minute history also 20 years EOD. However, it is important to remember that Amibroker data feed offers real-time tick data.

Installation Guide For Tick by Tick Data For Amibroker

Amiprofits supports almost every exchange NSE and MCX Options.

It supports multi-threaded execution and supports from a tick by tick data for amibroker refresh interval. 

 You can configure the Amibroker data feeder to receive the data you need as it happens. If you’re a professional trader, this is a great option for you.

Amiprofits is the best real-time data feed service for Amibroker. 

You can get livestock market, options, and commodity data. The best part is, that you’ll be able to choose any market segment you want to trade with. 

There are many other options available for Amibroker users, but Amiprofits is the best option for new traders. Using it can make trading easier and faster.

Amibroker data feeders support all trading instruments. They support NSE and global equity stocks, as well as futures and Google. 

The feeds are created in the database directory. In earlier versions, it is called a workspace. 

The AmiBroker data feeder of the Livefeed app is a one-time setup application that will allow you to access market information from your computer. Once installed, it will create a directory for you.

The Amibroker data feeder real-time market data from the NSE and MCX. For a monthly fee of Rs 419, it will provide you with real-time price data for all segments and symbols. 

Unlike other types of data feeders, it will not interrupt the trading process. It can even make it easier to analyze the market in the future. 

So if you’re looking for an Amibroker data feeder, make sure to check out Amiprofits!

The Amibroker data feed provides real-time data for Amibroker. For Rs. 419, the Amibroker data feed is available for all segments. 

The Amibroker data feed supports 2000+ symbols, which makes it the best choice for traders. 

You can select any number of symbols from the Amibroker data feed. It can be used with any Amibroker software. It is also compatible with NSE futures and currency.

You can also use the Amibroker AFL to route your orders to various brokers simultaneously. 

It supports multiple data providers. It has a built-in buy & sell signal generator. It also supports AFL codes. It is easy to learn and use. 

The Alligator AFL video can do it all. It is a high-level programming language. It can generate signals for any market. It updates real-time data to Amibroker.

AFL is a very useful tool for traders and investors. It can provide a daily update of the international real gold price. 

It also allows you to trade by importing data from any source. It is a must-have tool for any serious trader. 

So, if you want to make money online, you should use the Amibroker data feeder. The tool is a great investment for any investor.

Amibroker real-time data is provided through authorized market data vendors. These vendors can offer display devices and data feed products. 

They receive data from DotEx through leased lines and normalize it on their servers. These vendors can then pass it to your client machines. 

You can also receive real-time data from the NSE via the NSE’s TAP server. It is important to ensure that you have the latest information at your fingertips.

NSE data

6 Simple steps to Feed the NSE data to amibroker

6 Steps to Feed the NSE Data To Amibroker

Adding a feed of NSE data into AmiBroker is made easy with Amiprofits

Step 1: Sign Up Demo

Click this link and fill your name, email and mobile number to get login details (username and password) to your email.

amibroker data feed demo signup

Step 2: Download Amibroker

Download Amibroker software from Official Website or from this link (Skip this step if you have amibroker already) , Download ( 6.20 or 6.35 ) We recommend latest version. The Install Amibroker on your Windows PC.

amibroker download

Step 3: Setup Database

  • Go to File – Database – New Database and create database path inside
    ( For 32 bit Amibroker C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\Data )
    (For 64 bit Amibroker C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Data) create new empty folder.
  • Then , Keep the bars count 20000 or more and keep the time frame at “tick” , Click “OK”

Step 4: Download Data Feeder

  • Now Download our amibroker data feed application from this link and install on your computer.
  • After Installing data feeder app, there is a file called euno.format , download this file from this link and paste the euno.format on this path (contact support if any of the link is not working or not downloading)
  • ( For 32 bit Amibroker C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\Formats )
  • (For 64 bit Amibroker C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Formats)

Step 5: Connect Data Feeder and Amibroker

  • You have to give run as administrator access for both data feed app and amibroker app to get live data without any interuptions.
  • To do that , right click on amibroker desktop icon and go to properties – compatability – change settings to all users – Run this program as administrator and click “OK”
  • Follow this same step, right click on data feed desktop icon and go to properties – compatability – change settings to all users – Run this program as administrator and click “OK”

Step 6: Fill Live data and Backfill to Amibroker

You are all set, now open only data feed app (Amibroker will open in background automatically) and fill login details which you received to your email (tip: if not received check in spam/junk or contact live support 24/7 )
Goto add button in data feed app and select the symbols you wish to add to amibroker , then click on add button.
Now you can see the symbols added in euno watchlist , click on “todayfill all” then change backfill days to minimum 10 days and click on “Backfill all”

Hurray!!! Now you can see data in Amibroker.

If amibroker live data is not loaded in amibroker , please share anydesk or ultraviewer id in live chat support , we will be always available to help you on installation and various queries. happy testing!! , we also have eod for last 20 years and 1 minute backfill fot 1 year.

Full Amibroker Data Feed Installation Video

amibroker data

10 Amazing Benefits of Using Amibroker Data Feed

What is Amibroker Data?

Amibroker Data is when you first install AmiBroker, you should create a database directory in the workspace. 

The database contains a series of binary files storing studies, quotes, and industry names. 

The file that stores the quotation data belongs to a subdirectory with the same name as the symbol. 

If the symbols have different names, the IBM files are stored in the subdirectory with the first character. These files are the only ones that can be edited in AmiBroker.

When you use AmiBroker, you can add as many tickers as your RT account allows. 

AmiBroker will switch between the most recently used symbols and remove the older ones from your Data manager. 

However, if you exceed the subscription limit, you may experience problems. So, do not expect to be able to view 500 symbols if you have a subscription limit of 50. 

The same rule applies to the real-time quote window. It can’t display more symbols than the subscription limit.

To make AmiBroker work properly, you must be logged in as a member of AmiBroker’s community. This will allow you to post and edit comments on the market.

Once you have an account, you can download and install the AmiBroker data feed and use it to analyze stock prices. 

There are several options for storing data in the database. The most important setting is the size of the data file.

AmiBroker lets you run two separate instances of the same software. For example, you can choose to run intraday and EOD charts using the same real-time data source. 

In addition to this, if you want to perform backtesting on different securities, you can choose to use different real-time data sources for both. 

You can also set up your AmiBroker account so that it will automatically download data from its real-time sources.

AmiBroker has a few settings for users. Its in-memory cache will store all the symbols that it needs. 

If the number of symbols it is analyzing exceeds the size of the cache, AmiBroker will display the error 47. 

To resolve this, you can increase the size of the in-memory cache by increasing the maximum symbol and megabytes. Then, you can use the “Reconnect” button to manually connect to the plugin.

Benefits of Using Data Feed In Amibroker:

  • AmiBroker is very efficient and can handle huge amounts of data. 
  • The database can be updated with the help of AmiQuote or ASCII import. Both of these programs can be run on Windows or Mac computers, and require a good internet connection to operate. 
  • The data files in AmiBroker are constantly updated and the latest version of AmiBroker is available in the downloads area.
  • Depending on the platform, AmiBroker can access both x86 and x64 applications. 
  • The AmiBroker database can be updated with the latest data in real-time, so you don’t need to download any new software to use it. 
  • Moreover, you can use the AmiBroker data to build custom trading systems. You can also read about AmiBroker in books written by Howard Bandy.
  • If you’re using the TC2000, you can use it as a backtest data source. By default, AmiBroker will access all TC2000 data. Its backtests will be faster than the TC2000. 
  • If you’re using AmiBroker on a PC, you should enable local data storage. Then, you’ll be able to use TC2000 data.
  • If you’re using a data source that supports mixed modes, you can use it for both types of charts. The same plugin can be used for both. 
  • In addition, you can also use it for the intraday database. When you’re using a multi-mode API, you can find some plugins that are designed for different modes. For example, you can make a bar chart with a multi-time frame.

To sum it up, there are a lot of data feed services providers available online. If you are looking for a reliable service at an affordable rate, then Amiprofits is the best choice. 

Amiprofits is one of the leading Amibroker data feed service providers that provide ultra-speed tick-by-tick data and 1500+ symbols for Equity, Futures, Commodity, Indices, Currency, and Options

amibroker data types

Amibroker data types & Uses of a Live Data Feed

Amibroker Data Types:

To start with, there are a few different kinds of AmiBroker data types. The first type of data is the AmiBroker database, which stores all the industry and sector names that AmiBroker needs to perform its trades. 

This database also contains settings for the AmiBroker application, such as the number of symbols to track. 

There are also multiple files that hold symbol assignment information. 

The third type of AmiBroker data type is the symbol file, which contains information about the symbols that are assigned to them.

The other AmiBroker data type is the database, which contains the information that AmiBroker needs to execute its trades. 

This type of data is used when creating conditional assignments. In other words, if a price goes up in a certain time period, it is likely that it will continue to drop in that value. 

The “symbols” category is a sub-category of the database, and it contains data that AmiBroker uses to perform its trades.

Users of AmiBroker are encouraged to use the latest version of their software to create backtests. 

The maximum amount of symbols in an AmiBroker backtest is 20000 symbols. To increase this limit, you can change the Max MegaBytes to Gigabytes. 

In addition, if you’re using a 64-bit version of the AmiBroker trading system, you can increase the Max MegaBytes to a maximum of eight Gigabytes.

To add custom values to a data tooltip, you can use the Plot() function with styleHidden. This allows you to display custom values in the tooltip for a particular data type. 

When you’re working with an AmiBroker integration script, you can also customize the UI layout and colors of the tooltip. 

If you’re working with a large number of different data types, you should change the UI according to your needs.

However, if you’re interested in using Amibroker, then try Amiprofits. Amiprofits provides the Amibroker data feed services at an affordable price.

Amibroker live data feed

8 ultimate reasons to use the amibroker live data feed

Looking to buy an Amibroker live data feed at a resonable price? Choose Amiprofits.

Amibroker data is a powerful tool that can help you understand the market better. 

This software offers the ability to view a live, graphical representation of all NSE stocks. 

It can also be used to create trading systems and automate their operations. 

The user interface is intuitive and simple, and the data is updated continuously. It is supported by 32-bit Windows, and the application is available on Mac and Linux.

Amibroker’s real-time data is available to traders around the globe. It is available on the NSE and NYSE. The information is updated in real-time, so you’ll never miss important information. 

Amibroker is compatible with most trading platforms, including Ninjatrader 8 and Advanced Get. Its live data service is fast, reliable, and includes a wide variety of charts.

The platform works with data from the NSE and MCX. It provides low-latency real-time data, so traders can compare historical data to the current price and volume of a specific security or stock. 

It supports up to 225 symbols per segment. It also supports a variety of other data formats, including forex, indices, and commodities. With all the features that come with AmiBroker, you can trade with confidence.

You can use Amibroker data for free on the NSE or NASDAQ, as well as for stock and ETF trading. 

The data is available in real-time, has a six-month backfill, and can be used from the comfort of your home or office. 

This software is compatible with most trading terminals, including Ltp. This software is the best choice for novice traders.

Benefits of using Amibroker Live data Feed:

There are a number of advantages that Amibroker offers. Such as follows,

  • The AmiBroker data feed can provide you with real-time data for any symbol on the NSE. 
  • It supports all the major exchanges in the world, including India and many other countries. 
  • Unlike other software, AmiBroker data is a very valuable tool for investors. 
  • It is highly recommended for novice traders looking for a reliable source of real-time data for a variety of instruments.
  • You can also use AmiBroker’s preferences to customize the settings.
  • You can set the defaults for your data and the defaults in AmiBroker. 
  • Whether you want to use a live or a historic market, AmiBroker is a great tool for analyzing the stock market. 
  • Its default settings are the most popular amongst AmiBroker users. They are also a great resource for beginners.

To sum it up, if you are looking for an Amibroker Live Data feed at an affordable price, try data feed from Amiprofits. 

Amiprofits provide Ultra speed tick by tick data and 1500+ symbols for Equity, Futures, Commodity, Indices, Currency, and Options.

Amibroker Data Feed in Tamil Nadu

Amiprofits – the Best service of Amibroker Data Feed in Tamil Nadu

Looking for the Best service provider of Amibroker Data feed In Tamil Nadu? If so, continue reading this post.

Amibroker data feed is a very important feature of Amibroker. It contains market data for the Indian stock market. 

It includes the Nifty, BankNifty, and equity cash. It also includes the Nifty and BankNifty options, MCX futures, and currency.

It also provides a 1-minute snapshot for 180 days. In addition, the Amibroker data feed is available in Tamilnadu.

Amibroker data feed is an indispensable part of any investor’s trading strategy. Without enough data, amibroker strategies will not be profitable. 

Therefore, it is essential to have access to a lot of historical data to analyze a trade. 

Amiprofits – The Best Amibroker Data feed in Tamil Nadu:

Luckily, there are several services that offer Amibroker data feed in Tamil Nadu. They are easy to use, have high speed, and have low latency.

One of the leading Amibroker data feed services is Amiprofits. Amiprofits provides an Amibroker data feed in Tamil Nadu at an Affordable price. Amiprofits is compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10 and can be installed on a Virtual Private Server. 

It is easy to use and offers excellent live support. Amiprofits offers real-time data for Amibroker, tick-by-tick updates, and backfill data feeds for up to 365 days.

Amiprofits offers an Amibroker data feed in Tamil Nadu that is updated with up-to-the-minute market data for more than 1500 symbols. Amiprofits is the only Amibroker data feed provider that offers 180 days of historical data. Amiprofits’ fast speed and low latency make it a great choice for traders in the state.

Using the Livefeed app from Amiprofits is a great way to get real-time data for the Amibroker market. 

The software updates the data for 1500+ symbols in just five minutes. Unlike most other Amibroker data feeds, the Livefeed app of Amiprofits has 180 days of history. It is a great tool for traders of all levels. It is affordable and has all the latest market information.

Amiprofits is the best Amibroker data feed provider in Tamil Nadu. They offer a Livefeed that is a small and user-friendly application that automatically connects with Amibroker’s 32-bit version. 

It also starts tick-by-tick data feed for all active symbols. It has all the segments of Amibroker’s data feed. You can also use any number of symbols. The software is affordable and can be used on multiple PCs.

Amibroker is the most popular platform in the world. The data feed connects to Amibroker automatically and allows you to choose the number of symbols that you want to trade. It supports all symbols in Amibroker. 

The software automatically updates the data for Amibroker. The software is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. It is easy to use, and it will connect to Amibroker’s 32-bit version for you.

Amibroker Data Feed Demo

Amiprofits – Free 3 Days Amibroker Data Feed Demo

Amiprofits offers a free three-day trial of their Amibroker data feed demo service. With the service, you can connect with Amibroker automatically, receive live tick-by-tick data, and use the AFL indicator that is widely used in the financial markets. Moreover, Amiprofits provides a backfill history of 180 days, making it one of the fastest Amibroker data feed providers on the market.

The data feed is a premium, but a cost-effective option for a free trial. AmiBroker’s Ami Quote data downloading tool integrates seamlessly with Investors FastTrack. 

Using the investor FastTrack data feed, you can download data for stocks, bonds, and indices. 

The software offers several custom spreads and calculates position risk using multiple scenarios. The service also exports volume and high-low levels.

Amiprofits data feed service provides high-quality market data at low latency. The software’s user-friendly interface allows you to connect with Amibroker with no trouble. IQ offers a real-time market service for a low monthly fee. The company provides updates and news from the NASDAQ. The service is also supported by real traders, who can provide live chat support and phone calls.

The platform also supports over 20 data feeds. Among these, FirstRate Data, which provides end-of-day and intraday market data, has the highest quality. 

You can also try a free trial period, which allows you to see how the service works before committing to it. 

If you’re unsure about whether or not it’s right for you, feel free to contact our customer support team. 

Livefeed is a real-time third-party data feed software that feeds Amibroker with real-time market data. 

The service is also compatible with Windows Server and provides excellent live support. 

Amiprofits – Amibroker Data Feed Demo:

If you’re looking for a reliable and accurate Amibroker data feed, then Livefeed from Amiprofits is the best choice. The software can be downloaded from the official website and is easy to install.

Livefeed offers a free trial version of its Amibroker data feed service. It is compatible with all major operating systems, including Windows 7 and Windows 10 systems. 

Moreover, Livefeed also offers great support and real-time Amibroker data. It also provides tick-by-tick updates. The Amiprofits service provides backfill data for up to 365 days of history.

Amiprofits offers a free real-time Amibroker data feed for Microsoft Windows. This application connects to the 32-bit version of Amibroker and starts a tick-by-tick data feed for all active symbols. 

This Livefeed app from Amiprofits allows you to add as many symbols as you need. With a free trial, you can test the program and decide if it’s right for you.

If you’d like to use the Amibroker data feed, check out free Amiprofits’ amibroker data feed demo version. This Amibroker data feed is designed for the US market and is compatible with major 3rd-party market data analysis software. Unlike other Amibroker data feeds, Livefeed is free and has a demo version. The free trial includes all the features of the pro version.

Amiprofits offers a free trial at a low-cost Amibroker data feed demo for 3 days. 

The software allows you to connect with a data feed for as many symbols as you need. 

You can also sign up for the Pro version if you’re already a paying member of Amibroker. You can also try Livefeed other features if you’re still on a trial period.

After installing AmiBroker, you can choose a database directory for your data. This directory holds a set of binary files that store symbol information, quotes, and studies. 

Each symbol has a unique file for each component. For example, an IBM file corresponding to the first character in a symbol’s name stores quotation data. 

A subdirectory corresponding to each component’s name also contains a file containing the IBM index.

Livefeed free trial comes with all active feeds. You can also download any number of symbols from all feeds. After you’ve downloaded the Livefeed, you can purchase the service. The service is very easy to set up and use. Just make sure you’re ready to begin. 

Amiprofits provides a free trial for three days and 1500+ Symbols for Equity, Futures, Commodity, Indices, Currency & Options.

amibroker live data

AmiBroker Live Data – Instant Setup to Strategy

What is AmiBroker live data ?

AmiBroker live data refers to real-time stock market information sourced from various exchanges and fed directly into the AmiBroker software platform. This data is crucial for both live trading activities and backtesting trading strategies. The live data stream provides up-to-the-moment market information, allowing traders and analysts to make informed decisions based on current market conditions.

AmiBroker live data is available in multiple time frame formats to suit different trading styles and analysis needs. 

These formats include:

  1. Tick data: The most granular level, representing every individual trade.
  2. 1-minute data: Aggregated price and volume information for each minute of trading.
  3. 5-minute data: Consolidated data for 5-minute intervals.
  4. Daily data: Summary information for each trading day.
  5.  20 years End-of-Day (EOD) data: Closing prices and other key statistics for each trading session.
  6. Other custom timeframes as needed by traders.

Is it possible to get AmiBroker live data feed for free?

Yes, it is possible to access AmiBroker live data feed for free, albeit for a limited time. The AmiProfits data feed software offers a 5-day free trial period. To take advantage of this offer:

  1. Navigate to the AmiProfits website.
  2. Look for the “Sign up for demo” button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Complete the sign-up process.
  4. Upon registration, you will receive comprehensive login details, including:
    • Access credentials for the data feed
    • A download link for the necessary software
    • A detailed installation video guide to help you set up the system

This free trial allows potential users to evaluate the quality and reliability of the data feed before committing to a paid subscription.

How to add live data feed for AmiBroker ?

Adding live data feed to AmiBroker is a straightforward process that can be completed in just two main steps. For a visual guide, users can watch the provided installation video.

Alternatively, a step-by-step text guide is available for those who prefer written instructions. These resources ensure that users of all technical levels can successfully integrate the live data feed into their AmiBroker setup.

Live data for AmiBroker (tick format)

amibroker live data - tick by tick

A distinguishing feature of AmiProfits’ offering is the provision of AmiBroker live chart data in tick by tick format. This level of granularity offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced control over algorithmic trading strategies
  2. Ability to implement more advanced trading techniques
  3. Improved accuracy in backtesting historical strategies

The tick data format captures every price change and trade, providing the most detailed view of market movements. This high-resolution data is particularly valuable for high-frequency trading strategies and in-depth market analysis.

Pricing of AmiBroker live chart

AmiProfits offers AmiBroker live data at competitive rates, with plans starting from 419 Indian Rupees per month. This pricing is designed to be accessible to a wide range of traders and investors. The subscription includes comprehensive coverage across multiple market segments, including:

  1. Equity markets
  2. Futures contracts
  3. Commodity markets
  4. MCX (Multi Commodity Exchange) options
  5. Market indices
  6. Additional financial instruments

For a complete breakdown of pricing options and included features, interested parties are encouraged to visit the AmiProfits homepage, where detailed information is readily available.

What can we do with AmiBroker live data feed?

The AmiBroker live data feed opens up a wide array of possibilities for traders and analysts:

  1. Pattern recognition: Identify recurring price patterns and chart formations in real-time.
  2. Stock prediction: Develop and test predictive models based on current market data.
  3. AFL (AmiBroker Formula Language) testing: Experiment with and refine custom indicators, trading systems, and analysis tools using the AmiBroker scripting language.
  4. Strategy development: Create, test, and optimize trading strategies using up-to-date market information.
  5. Risk management: Monitor and adjust positions based on real-time market movements.
  6. Market analysis: Conduct in-depth studies of market behavior, liquidity, and trends across different timeframes.

The versatility of AmiBroker, combined with reliable live data, empowers users to engage in sophisticated market analysis and trading activities, tailored to their specific needs and strategies.

Uses of Amibroker Live Data

There are many benefits to using Amibroker. Such as follows,

  • It is free to use, and it is a great way to monitor market trends. 
  • It also allows you to do backtesting and paper trading. 
  • When you have live data, you will be able to use a lot of strategies at the same time. However, you should never rely on it alone. 
  • If you are looking for a reliable source, then Amibroker Live Data is the best choice.
  • Amiprofits from Real live data are the leading providers of stock market data. 
  • This provider provides Amibroker live data for various segments and is a cheap option. 
  • The software is very flexible and can provide you with real-time data for Amibroker. 
  • There are several benefits to using Amibroker Live Data. The data is available at any time. Moreover, it’s not only cheap, but it’s also available in different formats.


AmiBroker live data is a powerful tool that transforms the way traders and analysts interact with financial markets. By providing real-time, high-quality data across various market segments, it enables users to make informed decisions, develop sophisticated trading strategies, and conduct thorough market analysis. 

The availability of tick-by-tick data sets AmiProfits apart, offering unparalleled granularity for advanced trading techniques and backtesting. With a user-friendly setup process, flexible pricing options, and a free trial period, AmiBroker live data through AmiProfits is accessible to both novice and experienced market participants. 

As the financial landscape continues to evolve, having access to reliable, real-time data becomes increasingly crucial for staying competitive in the trading arena. AmiBroker live data not only meets this need but also provides the tools and flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and trading strategies.

amibroker data vendors in india

3 Simple Steps to Choose the Top Amibroker Data Vendors in India

When searching for the top amibroker data vendors in India, it is important to choose the most reliable one. 

There are many companies offering this Amibroker Data Feed service, so it is crucial to choose the best one. This post will help you to choose the best AMibroker Data Vendors in India. Keep reading

3 Steps to choose the Amibroker data vendors in India:

Quality and Affordable Pricing:

The quality of data offered by the vendor will determine the quality of your trades. 

However, the price should be considered as well. The subscription fees vary depending on the product and how many times you use it. The higher the price, the more accurate your results will be.

Make sure you choose a vendor that uses the latest technology for the Amibroker data feed. 

The data feed should be up to date and have low latency. 

The speed and quality of the data feed will affect the performance of your Amibroker. 

The best vendors use dll for their data and use the most appropriate technology. This means that their data will be accurate and of the highest possible quality. The most reliable vendors also offer EOD and daily data.

The quality of the data feed also depends on the server used by the vendor and broker. 

The Data feed may be better for a broker than a vendor, but this is not always the case. 

You can only know for sure if the data you are using is accurate and up to date if you test it on your own computer. 

Both sources apply a data filtration algorithm to reduce the size of the data before it is broadcast. 

Some vendors may even broadcast slightly different ticks from different servers.

If you are looking for the best Amibroker data vendors in India, you should start your search with Amiprofits. 

Amiprofits is the leading company that provides Amibroker data feed at an affordable price and offers a comprehensive range of data feeds to traders in India. 

The quality of these services is also highly reliable. 

The speed and latency of these data feed make them the perfect choice for your Amibroker trading strategy. All of these services will give you the high-quality data that you need to analyze your trades.

While the quality of data feeds differs, you should be able to find a high-quality feed that will meet your needs. 

You should also choose a vendor who provides accurate data in multiple time zones, including India. This way, you can use them for the best Amibroker trading strategies. 

Tick By Tick Real-time data with Quality:

In addition to Amibroker data feeds, there are other types of live data. Ensure that the vendor you select is a provider that provides accurate livestock market information and provides accurate and up-to-date stock and currency charts.

When choosing a vendor, you should take into consideration the reliability of their data. 

You should look for a company that uses a high-quality dll to provide data to your trading platform. This way, you can be sure that your data feeds are accurate and reliable. 

You should also look for a service that offers fast, high-speed feeds. The top Amibroker data vendors in India like Amiprofits will make your trading experience easier and more profitable.

A high-quality Amibroker data feed is an important investment tool. The correct data feed will not only give you access to the latest market information but will also give you an edge over the competition. 

If you’re looking for a data feed provider that provides high-quality data, you should look for a service that can provide you with the support you need. While a number of these providers claim to offer accurate data, many don’t.

Free Real-time Data Trial:

Choosing the best real-time data vendors in India can be a complex process. You’ll need a service that updates its data in real-time, and support all time frames. 

If you’re a new trader, you should ask for a free trial that will allow you to see the quality of the data that’s available. If the provider cannot do this, you should move on to another provider.

The quality of data is crucial to the success of any trader. It is essential to choose the best data vendor in India for your needs. There are many Amibroker data vendors in India, but only a few can provide the quality you need. 

A high-quality data feed is an excellent choice for your trading. And the best vendor will be the one that meets your needs. But be sure to compare the price of each provider.

However, if you have no idea about the Amibroker data feed vendors or brokers, then consider trying the Amiprofits. 

Amiprofits provides ultra-speed and reliable tick-by-tick data. Besides, 1500+ symbols for Equity, Futures, Commodity, Indices, Currency, and Options.